Public Listed Companies Global Center



Public Listed Companies Global Center (PLCGC) is an exclusive community of public listed companies and entrepreneurs for them to be connected, learn, grow and excel together. With PLCGC, you will be able to connect to the international network of 40,000 public listed companies and successful entrepreneurs in over 100 countries.

PLCGC is the most valuable business network for public listed companies to expand their business, to find new partners, get advice & problem-solving, gain insights & supports, and view things from different perspectives. With PLCGC, one would be able to stay connected to the international network of public companies from around the world to improve business relationships, increase sales, accelerate growth, and expand business to global market. PLCGC also helps its members to expose to excellent business and investment opportunities, to acquire invaluable resources, to achieve business breakthroughs, and to build prosperous and sustainable businesses.

PLCGC believes in:-

Building and growing your business by establishing truthful and long-lasting relationships.

Keeping up with the most updated business trends to remain competitive in today’s business world.

Being visible and staying in connections with highly influential companies and people to grow your business.

Expanding your businesses through this trustable, reliable & reputable global community will have a higher success rate.


The network circle of PLCGC is powerful, useful, and meaningful. By gathering various public listed companies under one roof, members will be able to interact with people from different sectors and learning from each other.

We are providing and organizing the following to facilitate every member of PLCGC to achieve the goal of continuous development and prosperity:-

  1. iBizExcel forum is providing space to post your inquiries, exchange ideas, business opportunities, and share information, etc. with public companies from around the world.
  2. Periodical newsletters circulated to 40,000 public listed companies around the world.
  3. Webinars and international business conferences.
  4. Off-line programs, for example, meetings, gatherings, and more.
  5. A PLCGC Support Hotline for members to post questions, inquiries, updates, etc.


Benefits of PLCGC:

  • Access to Public Listed Companies Forum (iBizExcel Forum)
  • Assistance and referral to 40,000 public listed companies around the world when expanding globally
  • 1 Time Free Ads in Public Companies Opportunities Newsletter per year
  • Monthly Free Announcement in Public Companies Opportunities Newsletter.
  • Public Listed Companies Investment Opportunities Introductions & Recommendations
  • Networking of public listed companies & entrepreneurs
  • PLCGC conferences, programs & events
  • Public Listed Companies International Conference (PLCIC)
  • C-Suite Executives International Conference (CSEIC)
  • Entrepreneurship International Conference (EIC)
  • Business Manager International  Conference (BMIC)
  • Global Business Excellence Summit (GBES)
  • Interact to exchange experience and opinions
  • Getting support from peers
  • Increase the exposure of your business
  • Gaining business leads and new customers.
  • Access to new business and opportunities
  • Learning from multi-disciplinary experts
  • Grow sales & expand business globally
  • Acquire precious business resources
  • New ideas for business breakthroughs and problem-solving
  • Special discount on Dhunicorn products and services
  • Reserved seats for free education programmes, forums, and events

A strong business network with the very top of the business world is the most valuable resource to succeed in business today. Some of the notable key benefits of a strong network are strengthening business connections, develop your creative intellect, improve your visibility, connect you with extra resources and high-profile individuals, open up doors for new opportunities, achieve business growth and increase profit. Thus, building and nurturing networks, social capital is one of the most reliable and powerful things you can do to support your company’s development.