Appointment: Public Listed Companies International Conference

The International Conference on Opportunity. Breakthrough. Prosperity from Dhunicorn is a unique and powerful global event that is beneficial to most public listed companies around the world. Global scholars & business experts will give presentations on various innovative and strategic topics. The key objective of this conference is to let participants learn something new, interesting, important and beneficial. Continuous learning not only provides additional knowledge but also gives a huge impact on a business progression. Therefore, we would like to invite you to enhance your business with us on following event:

Theme: Opportunity. Breakthrough. Prosperity

Date: 22nd of May 2021

Time: 2pm GMT+0:00

Venue: Zoom

Registration fee:  Join us for USD 980 FREE NOW

*First come, first serve. (Limited seats available)

Contact us at

*Kindly note that details provided will only used for registration purpose, all the information will not be revealed to third party.

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